Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Co-ed Bathing

With Paul gone so much this summer, I have to find ways to make life more effiencient. I knew Owen wasn't ready to sit in the tub with Kailey, but two baths per night was taking up way too much time. I therefore decided to put Owen's bath right in with Kailey. I wasn't sure she'd like it, since she enjoys 'swimming' each night. I couldn't have been more wrong! Kailey LOVES taking a bath with her little brother and considering that Owen just loves his sister no matter what, they were both in hog heaven. Kailey helps me wash Owen by dumping water on his head and he loves it. Everyone is having a great time and it makes mommy's life easier. Win-win!

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Owen and Daddy

I know, I know, I always share these kinds of pictures, but honestly, nothing warms my heart more than seeing how much Paul loves his babies and how much they adore him! I am fortunate to have such a beautiful family!

Future Cherry Queen?

Cherry Festival

TC is known as the National Cherry Capital. Each year, there is a pretty fantastic Cherry Festival that includes every kind of cherry/family event one could possibly imagine. During one of Paul's off days, we headed down to the 'Open Space' to taste everything cherry, from sodas to salsas. (Some things just aren't meant to be made with cherries).

After Paul left again, we went with our neighbors to a petting zoo and tractor ride around all of the fruit orchards. Kailey and Owen loved the animals and I loved seeing all of the orchards and learning about all of the different types of cherries grown in this area. So interesting!

It's more of a tourist event, than a local thing, but seeing as we are only here for a few more years, we fit somewhere in between.

Saturday, July 28, 2007


Congratulations, Karel and Howard!

Last Saturday, Grandma Karel and Howard were married. We were so sad to miss it due to Paul's deployment, but hope you had a wonderful day and many more to come!

Friday, July 27, 2007

Ghetto Fabulous

Do you think this was the type of ice cream truck, er, wagon that Eddie Murphy had in mind?

If only there were captions...

I always wonder exactly what is going through Kailey and Owen's little brains. A picture paints a thousand words with this one. It's as if Kailey is going on and on and on talking to her brother about absolutely nothing (I wonder where she gets that from?) and Owen is simply thinking, "Doesn't this girl ever stop talking?"

Thursday, July 26, 2007


Owen's new favorite game is Peek-A-Boo. He plays it every chance he can and is actually quite good at it. Kailey used to play too while peeking through the bars of the crib. Ahh, these are the good times!

We're Back!

After a month of waiting for our new USB cable, we are finally back and loaded with tons of pictures! Check back often because we will get everyone up to date...