Alright, I feel passionate and I have to write about it. While I've always been very patriotic and followed elections because they are exciting, I've never, in my voting history, been so moved by a politician. As a matter of fact, I've always thought most politicians are pretty smarmy.
Flashback: 2004
I was big and pregnant with Kailey. We were sitting in our tiny little house in Pensacola and I was flipping through the channels and came across the Democratic National Convention. I left it on and Paul sat down. We were captivated by the speaker. We both stopped what we were doing and watched intently what this amazing speaker had to say about hope, change and the UNITED states of America. It was breath-taking. Paul, who was never into politics (at all) looked at me and said, "Wow, that guy was a great speaker." That guy (or That One as he's been called) was Barack Obama.
Since then, I followed his career, read about his positions and overall felt hope about our country, something that had been waning. I didn't like where our country stood in the world's view. I felt concerned for my children. I was questioning where my country stood despite the passion I'd always felt.
I've never been open about my politics. It was something my mom taught me, don't talk religion or politics. But, I couldn't help myself this time. This time, above anything else, I wanted someone who could inspire change and bring people together in one common goal; to make this world a better place. I craved something positive in a world that has seemed so sad and negative.
I look at Kailey and Owen and feel what I'm sure most mothers feel. I want this world to be better for my children than it is for me. I want them to have opportunities that I could never have dreamed. I want the sky to be the limit. But something was different this time too. We often talk to Sofie about why she wanted to come to America. She is quite articulate for a 17 year old and believes that America is vast and has boundless opportunities. She has taken an entire year away from her family and friends to be here, in America. This is the country that she chose. It's amazing to me.
Last night, as the results poured in, I waited at 10:58 as the west coast projections arrived. I will never, ever forget hearing Wolff Blitzer on CNN say, "This is the moment everyone has been waiting for, this is the moment in history, Barack Obama will be the 44th president of the United States." Then, I watched the celebrations around the world and honestly teared up. I don't remember people celebrating like that for any other presidential win. It was like New Year's Eve in Times Square. Regardless of his positions and beliefs, this man has brought hope, excitement and enthusiasm to the country. He has a tall order, but for today I feel hope and joy for the future of my country and for the future of my children.
AMEN Sister!!
Well, it's been a few days, but the bouyant mood created here in Norway by the presidential election is still lingering. Congratulations to you all! Let's just hope that Obama, with the help of all Americans, will be able to restore the economy, as well as the reputation of the US on the global scene, and bring your great country back up where she belongs. Not an easy task, but surely you Americans will pull through with your zeal, courage and entrepreneurship.
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