We had a marathon Halloween extravaganza. Everyone had awesome costumes, the weather cooperated and Paul was even able to participate in all the appropriate events. Norway doesn't celebrate Halloween the way we do, so this was a chance for Sofie to experience her first 'Americanized' holiday to the fullest. It was awesome!
Kailey as Tinkerbell
And Owen as Captain Hook

Part I: Halloween party at Kailey's school

Part III: Neighborhood Trick-or-Treating
Sofie: The Sorceress

Part I: Halloween party at Kailey's school
The Halloween party happened on Thursday morning with songs, stories and of course, pizza! Since Paul had duty on Thursday night, we were all able to go and spend Kailey's special morning with her. All of the kids (all 20 of them!) were cute, wired and even somewhat overwhelmed by the excitement of it all. Owen was dressed up and wanted to join in the fun by laying in the middle of the circle during story and singing time. The teachers encouraged it, some mean other mommies clearly did not. As a former teacher, I was a little mortified by his behavior, but quickly got over it once I realized that everyone (except the mean mommy) was fine with it.

Part II: Downtown Trick-or-Treating
We, along with the rest of TC, went downtown to all of the business for some good Halloween fun. Paul was able to meet us down there and while he pushed the stroller, we got all of the loot! We continually heard whispers behind us, "Oh my gosh, look at that pirate!" "Or, that little Tinkerbell is all smiles!" I know, we're the parents, but I swear, ours were some of the cutest down there!

Part III: Neighborhood Trick-or-Treating
We picked up Sofie from volleyball practice, had some pizza, then headed out to the neighborhood with our neighbors Miles and Nora. (After of course, as quick stop from the Jones' Pirate family and their new parrot)! Also, check out Paul's awesome pumpkin! Boo!

Fun pictures. Sofie is a beautiful sorceress! Kailey and Owen are too cute.
Awesome pumpkin, Paul!
We all agree with Toosie. Although Norwegians have adopted some of of the Halloween customs during the latter years, the celebration is nowhere near yours. It's a thrill to see your amazingly cute kids having such a good time!
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