Under normal circumstances, I wouldn't attend something like this. I've never fished- in my entire life. Paul was on duty that day and ended up being scheduled to do the search and rescue demonstration for the whole crowd. Since we've never seen him do that, I figured I'd take the kdis (plus, our neighbors said they would go too and help).
Overall, it was a good day and I learned what a real trooper Kailey is. You see, there were hundreds of kids trying to fish that day. After standing in line to get our poll, complete with hook and worm, we headed over to the fishing area. Not a minute after walking over, a kid (probably 10-12 years old) fell over into the water. Everyone was quick to respond, but I was completely nervous after that. Who am I kidding, I was already nervous, it just added to my fears. The kid was okay and it was probably good for Kailey to see as she didn't go too close to the edge after that.
So, Mary Lou was helping Kailey, because again, I have no clue. I was taking pictures and walking with Owen. We decided to switch; I took Kailey and she took Owen. I then heard screaming. I looked down at my sweet little girl and there it was. A triple lure was hanging from the side of her mouth. With blood and all, the sheriff volunteer told me not to move her or take it out. He went to get help and Mary Lou took Owen away. I then heard a louder scream as I was trying with tears welling up, to keep Kailey still. She ripped the hook out herself! She settled down and the first thing she said was that she wanted to fish again. Fortunately, she was fine as it wasn't too deep and she immediately caught a nice sized trout after that.
But, I'm not done. After watching the rescue demonstration, we headed home. Kailey wanted to see her fish because both she and Owen enjoyed watching him flip around in the bag before we had him 'cleaned.' For her, the most horrifying moment was yet to come. Before I handed the bag to her, I told her to be very careful and not take him out. I though the ice would hide what I knew was about to happen. A terrified scream came from the backseat, "Where's his mouth?!?!?" I had to explain to her why he was headless and that now all of the fish heads were singing "Fish heads, fish heads, rolly-polly fish heads..." She wasn't amused. Then, I had to tell her we were going to eat the fish. Again, not amused. I told her we were going to fry him for dinner, to which she responded, "Mommy, I really don't think he's going to like that!"
I fried the fish, it was good, but I'm not completely sold on the thrill of fishing. We'll try again, because Kailey wants to, but as she says, she doesn't want to get tangled up again.
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