Sometimes I'll go back and look at old videos I've posted just to reminisce. I started to realize that most of our videos have to end because Kailey's beating up or picking on Owen. It really doesn't paint a very accurate picture of how Kailey feels about her brother. Of course she gets sick of him at times, but what siblings don't get sick of each other? Now, I KNOW Nancy never got sick of me...ever...I was simply her play toy. Likewise, Nancy was the coolest thing on the planet in all her Rick Springfield hair, blue eyeshadow glory! Anyhow, today Kailey and Owen were walking all around the house holding hands. Everywhere they went, one would reach for the other and off they would go. Despite what I broadcast over YouTube, they truly adore each other. Each morning, after we get Owen from his crib, he bangs on Kailey's door, and yells "Kai-ee, Kai-ee!" She mothers him and tells him, "Don't cry little boy, you'll be okay." We have always hoped that through think and thin, no matter where we go, they will always love each other. It looks like, for the most part, they're off to a good start.
1 comment:
Nice pictures.
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