Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Nope, Still No Mini-Me

I keep looking at old pictures trying to see if either of my kids resemble me. They don't. Owen's hair is getting lighter and lighter with each passing day. Before I know it, I'm going to have two blonde, blue-eyed children. I KNOW they're mine, they just don't look like me.

I found this cutie picture from a stack that Bubbie is always sending to me. I assume I'm close to Kailey's age, maybe a little younger. I do think that Kailey and I have the same nose and eye shape, but that's about it. I definitely had a lot more hair and fortunately for Kailey, she didn't get to experience the rockin' 1970's knit bikini top. Lookin' Good!


toosie said...

She's your kid! Just a lighter version. What cute pictures.
G Toos

nancycurb said...

Just as I suspected. Playing in the gravel at Bubbie's house!