We've had a few chilly mornings these last few days therefore, I've had to dress the kids accordingly. I've been slowly shopping for cold weather gear, so we wouldn't break the budget come fall. However, I didn't expect to break out the jeans this early. We are keeping our fingers crossed that it's only a temporary cold spell and we can return to some nice, warm August temperatures soon.
Owen sure does look cute, but certainly not like a baby anymore which makes me sad. I can't believe he's ten months old already, where does time go? He loves to stand and cruise around anything and everything. Soon he'll be standing on his own, he just needs to get the balance thing down!
Cute little smiley guy!
Aw, don't be sad... I have always been really excited when the girls reached new phases or milestones. No one wants to have a baby forever, but wants to see their kids grow into the cool kids that we know (and always hoped!) that they'd turn into!
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