Kailey's favorite game is to go through all of her animal noises with a "How about, Monkey"..."How about, Lion"...etc., etc. So, when given the chance to go to a zoo, we jumped on it. We prepped Kailey for a few days that we would be heading to the surprisingly decent Naples Zoo and by the time we entered, she was almost squealing with delight. All Kailey could talk about was the Lion. Unfortunately, she didn't realize that a lion is quite large and had some reservations about spending any quality time watching him. She would cover her eyes, turn her head, and proclaim loudly, "I'm okay, I'm okay, I'm okay," as if to convince herself that she could handle the Kind of the Jungle.
In the end, after seeing lions, tigers, panthers, zebras, hyenas, gazelles, alligators and many others, her favorites were the water, ducks and the airplanes flying overhead. By the way, Owen was completely underwhelmed by the whole thing and ended up sleeping through most of the zoo.
Frick and Frack look pretty cute in the stroller. Love those sandals on Owen.
G Toos
Didn't we go to Jungle Larry's with Mark (as in Paul's nephew Mark)? Love the lion picture!
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