Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Owen Spins

Owen's got some new moves. He cracks himself up with spins, shakes and falls. Life is good!


Kailey received a fantastic gift today from Uncle Matt, Aunt Nancy, Hannah and Maddie. There is nothing better than a combination of gifts with the Jonas brothers, Gel pens and princess jelly jewelry. It truly doesn't get better than that! What great cousins!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!

We had a wonderful day celebrating our favorite loves! Kailey started out the day with a pizza and Valentine party at school. She was absolutely thrilled to receive all of her notes from her friends for the very first time. She was completely overloaded on sugar, but hey, that's what today is all about when you're three.
We got to talk to Aunt Nancy, Toosie, Grandma and Bubbie who all called to share their good wishes. Kailey is also very jealous of her cousins, Hannah and Maddie, who get to spend their Valentine's Day at a Jonas Brothers concert. (Okay, maybe I'm more jealous, but I'll pin it on Kailey). In Kailey's picture, she's modeling a pair of sticky earrings that she received in her Valentine card from Bubbie. Quite a hit!
Owen didn't get to eat any candy because he doesn't have the whole chewing thing down, but was overwhelmed with joy with his balloon, which he carried around all day long. I even had to pry it from his paws during nap time!
And, of course...J.A.S. + P.D.S = T.L.A.!

Saturday, February 9, 2008

USCG Hurricane Katrina Aviation Response

Sometimes it's easy to get lost in the day-to-day events and forget about why we are here and what we are doing. I often crab about the CG life and that I miss my family and friends. I don't get to see Hannah and Maddie growing up and they don't get to see Kailey and Owen. So many babies are being born soon, Amy, Jenn, Tiffany and I have to miss it all. However, when I'm feeling down and honestly, just sorry for myself, it's good to take a second and realize the amazing experiences that we get to have. I've met so many incredible people and shared many life changing moments because of the CG. When I step back, I'm thankful for the choices we've made. When I watch these videos, my heart fills with pride and the tears flow for the amazing service that Paul and so many others are doing for our country. God Bless the USA and all the men and women who serve our country each and every day!

By the way, the song in this video is "When I Look to the Sky" by Train, which ironically is the song that Kailey calls "Daddy's song" whenever she hears it.

Semper Paratus